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faith based Services

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produced by

Lightfield Entertainment, Inc.


Final Poster July 5th Mass_12.1.2.jpg
MASS INYFF 2021.jpg

Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat at
Blessed Sacrament Church NYC
Sunday June 18th 2023.

Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat's Homily at
Blessed Sacrament Church NYC
Sunday June 18th 2023.

"Holy Trinity Church 125th Anniversary"

Christmas Mass 2022

Christmas Mass 2021

Christmas Mass HOMiLY 2021

View our masses

Our Blessed Sacrament Mass NYC can now be viewed on:



(MNN) every Sunday, at 12:30 pm. 

if you have:






Or on our YouTube channel:

Lightfield Entertainment Inc. - YouTube

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How we film

Our masses at Blessed Sacrament Church NYC are filmed on professional cameras that we film feature films, shorts, weddings, and many other professional events. They are of high quality and have the top of the line technology.


We also shoot in advance with pro sound and professional editing equipment that takes for a 38 minute Mass about 15-20 hours of editing for one Mass that includes sound editing and all the b-roll taken. This gives the best possible quality for the viewer and enhances their experience of attending Mass. A spiritual and devotional ambience is created. 


It is not a "live stream" Mass, where some that are, can be static and unstable due to Wi-Fi issues and also with sound problems.


Our Mass has been chosen to view over many big named churches, cathedrals and basilicas in the United States and abroad.  We have a large following here in NYC in Harlem, and Florida, N.C., CT, Italy, Brazil, the U.K. and the Isle of Man. 


And, many elderly who are either not comfortable yet coming to mass in person or physically cannot, are letting us know that they want the BSC online masses to continue. It brings them comfort and solace and they can partake of the Mass 100% in their own home.


Our JULY 5TH MASS OF 2020 (during the Pandemic) was entered into the INTERNATIONAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL and is an Official Selection for Best Film in the Christian/Inspirational genre. The winners will be selected on July 11th this year. For more details, you can go to


If you have filming needs, please contact us at

Blessed Sacrament Church NYC masses

BSC Online Mass.png

"It really is amazing how many people have been impacted by your work and the talents and care of the crew.

It has been such a gift to the parish."


"What a tremendous blessing Susan Campochiaro Confrey and her team have been for Blessed Sacrament.  What an amazing, professional job they did each week."


-David E. Nolan

Pastor Church of the Blessed Sacrament NYC.

Cardinal dolan celebrates the
100th year anniversary of
Blessed sacrament church NYC

Blessed Sacrament Church NYC masses


"Thank you Susan and team for the most beautiful video of our baby girl's baptism! As most special days do, this day went by so quickly and felt like a blur so we are grateful to have this video to relive the occasion. You all did a wonderful job of capturing how exceptional the day was, from the raw emotion to the beauty of the church, every detail was memorialized. We are excited to share this with friends and family members that were unable to attend and cannot want to show our daughter when she gets older! And, I would recommend anyone who wants to savor the memory of their special event, to use Lightfield Entertainment."

~Brenna Flores

BSC Concerts

Behind the Scenes - Blessed Sacrament masses

Behind the Scenes - Rosh Hashanah and

Yom Kippur with Rabbi Leonard Schoolman